Fisier adaugat de: Bybanu
Categoria: jocuri
Data Adaugarii : 2013-02-21 12:14:36
Fisier downloadat de: 258 ori
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The Cave is a new adventure game from Monkey Island and Maniac Mansioncreator Ron Gilbert, and Double Fine Productions, the award-winning studiobehind Psychonauts and Brtal LegendAssemble your team of three from seven unlikely adventurers, each with theirown unique personalities and stories, then descend into the mysteriousdepths to explore locations including a subterranean amusement park and amedieval castle, not to mention a fully armed and ready-to-launch nucleartipped ICBM. The Cave awaitsKey FeaturesSeamlessly Spelunk – Explore a ginormous completely seamless cave-worldpresented in astounding cross-section that will blow… your… mindAssemble a team of 3 explorers – From the Hillbilly to the Time Travellerall 7 characters have their own unique personalities, special talents anda dark and secret reason for descending The CaveA Cave like no other – If you enjoy spelunking and dark rocky caverns thenbe prepared to be disappointed. Your first clue The Cave is a place likeno other will be when you stumble across the subterranean amusement parkor the medieval castle, not to mention the fully armed and ready to launchnuclear tipped missileLet’s work together – Switch between the 3 characters, in cooperation witheach other, and solve physical and adventure puzzles as you learn thetruth behind why they are here. Share the cave exploring adventure withfriends in local co-opUnlock all the secrets of the cave – Replay the adventure with a new setof characters for a whole different experience including unique story,puzzles and areas of The Cave, plus hidden treasures (not redeemable forcash) and collectablesWatch the Cave come alive – Experience the detailed, stunning art styleand humor that only Ron Gilbert and Double Fine can dream up
1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount the image.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy the content from /Crack directory on the DVD to the installdirectory of the game, overwriting existing files.
5. Play the game.
6. Support the software developers.
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